Monday, February 3, 2014

Baked Curried Deviled Eggs - Low Carb Snack

I will post the Super Bowl fare that I made but I refuse to speak about the game itself other than to say "tsk, tsk, Denver". First, I will post the newest dish to my repertoire, baked hard-boiled eggs! I was a skeptic, but now I'm a believer. These also have almost negative carbs. Enjoy!

Curried Deviled Eggs

So, I was forced into making Deviled Eggs by my own family. Hard-boiling eggs has been the bane of my existence. Some friends on Facebook directed me to try baking them instead of boiling. It worked! Huzzah!

 Here's how:
Place eggs in  muffin tin, bake at 350 for 30 minutes, place eggs in ice bath until cool. 

For the Deviled eggs:
I made 1 dozen eggs, which makes 24 halves. (Math, ftw!)

Peel the eggs and discard the peels (you laugh, but this is the internet).
Carefully slice eggs in half lengthwise.
Pop out yolks into bowl and arrange whites hollow side up on a tray.
Mash yolks with 1/3 cup mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon curry powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Optional: stir in minced scallions or parsley

I have yet to purchase a fancy cake icing bag and stuff, so I used a cookie scoop. Either way, place the mashed yolk mixture into the hollows of the egg whites. Top with sprinkled paprika, parsley, or sliced olives like I did.



Note on the baked eggs. They get brown spots. We could not taste them and no one was injured eating them. So, don't panic if this happens. 
Here's a pic:

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